Computer Science Student @ Assam Engineering College

Web Developer working with MERN stack
AWS | GIT | DevOps | Linux

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About Me

I am a Computer Science student from India currently in my second year at Assam Engineering College. I develop and design professional quality websites and I specialize in development with react.
I have been developing websites for the past 6 months.

Projects that I have worked on

Fullstack Shopping List

A shopping list app built with React which connects to a MongoDB database.
The website is running on a Nodejs server using Express.

Hangman Game

Hangman game where you need to guess the programming language to win. Made using React.

ISS tracker

This tool fetches data from the open-notify API to get the co-ordinates of the international space station in realtime.
Those co-ordinates are sent to the locationiq API to perform reverse geocoding and the result is visualised on a static map.

Get In Touch

I am avidly looking for working opportunities and would love to
work with you. I am looking to grow my experience and my inbox is open for you.

Email Me!